About RP Active

About RP Active

RP Active Sports is a rep group that was founded in 1987 by Rick Dewbrey & Peter Leugers. Since that time RP Active Sports has become an industry leading rep group in the active sports industry. Nowadays John Sherwin and Peter Leugers run RP Active Sports.  The group covers 13 states with 14 professional reps with a combined 100+ years retail & product representation experience.

If you are looking for representation for your product we can assure you your product will get shown professionally and in person regardless of the size of the retailer. We can insure this because of our territory coverage and number of reps.


“Ryan is the best sales rep ever but beyond that he's the best person ever. I've read about heros and God-like people but before meeting Ryan I doubted their existence. Now I do not. I could say more but you wouldn't believe me.”

Terry Tinkle, It Takes a Village Bike Shop

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